Basic Life Support (BLS) Recertification - August 16, 2024**course filled**

Basic Life Support (BLS) Recertification - August 16, 2024**course filled** promotional image

Live Demonstration Course: Basic Life Support (BLS) Recertification

This course qualifies the enrollee a certification by the American Heart Association for Basic Life Support (BLS), upon successful demonstration and exam and the cost is $70 (College of Dentistry staff) or $80 (general public).

Course Registration

(classes will be limited to 10 participants; Please select another class if you find that you cannot register for your selected date.)

Course Description 

Basic Life Support (BLS) Recertification course, developed by the American Heart Association (AHA), is designed for providers proficient in CPR and AED use. The shortened course will briefly review CPR and AED use, relieve choking and rescue breathing. The course places emphasis on skills evaluation and testing. Upon successful completion of the course, the provider will obtain the BLS Healthcare Provider course completion card. This course is tailored to dental practices and scenarios.

Goal: Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to provide the best chance of survival in emergency situations using CPR and AED for adults, youth, and infants and obtain the AHA BLS Healthcare Provider course card.


Participants should be able to:

  • Recognize life-threatening emergencies and demonstrate activating the emergency response chain of survival.
  • Describe the importance and perform high quality CPR and AED use for adult, youth, and infant scenarios through demonstration and testing.
  • Demonstrate timely and effective rescue breathing and relieve choking in an adult, youth, and infant.

Topic Schedule (2 hours)

Friday, Aug. 16,  3 to 5 p.m.

0:05  Course Introduction and Course Overview

0:05 – 0:15 Chain of Survival, AED and Bag-Mask device use

0:15 – 0:45  One and Two Rescuer CPR for Adult and Child hands on skills

0:45: – 1:00 Team Dynamics and Infant BLS with hands on skills

1:00 – 1:15  Relief of Choking

1:15 – 2:00  Conclusion and Exam (30 minutes)

Course location

Perio Conference Room S483 Dental Science Building, UI College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa


Kelby Scandrett

Kelby Scandrett is a registered nurse. Before working at College of Dentistry, he worked as the Director of Surgical Services at the Mercy Hospital, Iowa City and helped open University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital Perioperative Department. He was on the Cardiac Surgery Team and the Rapid Response Code team at Mercy Hospital for 10 years. He also assisted in emergency response calls while being a reserve officer for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department for 2 years. Kelby joined the University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics in 2017, but had recently moved back to private practice. 

Friday, August 16, 2024 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Dental Science Building
S483 Perio Conference Room, Dental Science Building, UI College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics
801 Newton Road, Iowa City, IA 52246
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