Photo galleries from University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics events.
IDEAS24 Alumni Reception
On Friday, May 3, 2024, the UI College of Dentistry hosted an alumni reception at the Iowa Athletic Club following the Iowa Dental Association's annual meeting in Coralville, Iowa. The event hosted more than 80 Iowa dental alumni, who were joined by Dean Clark Stanford, former dean David Johnsen, and several IDA and state representatives.
Perio Alumni Lecture Event
On Friday, October 20, 2023, the University of Iowa Department of Periodontics hosted two alumni speakers from the class of 1983. Dr. Charles Goodman and Dr. Brien Harvey presented the lecture "Clinical Excellence and Periodontal Practice Management: A 120-Year Perspective." This lecture was preceded by a luncheon and was attended by faculty, alumni, and residents. The day’s events were arranged by fellow class of ’83 alumna, Dr. Georgia Johnson, and Dr. Phillip Lainson made a special appearance.
The department also saw a visit from alumni and benefactor, Dr. Bruce Ringdahl, who visited and toured the department with DEO, Dr. Siva Prakasam, and faculty, Dr. Sukirth Ganesan.
2023 Alumni Reunion
The 2023 Alumni Reunion took place Sept. 15-16, celebrating graduating classes ending in 3's and 7's.
If you are interested in a high-resolution photo to print a picture, please contact Jack Rossi ( with your request. He will send you a high-resolution photo of your requested image(s) which you can print at your photo store of choice.
2022 Alumni Reunion Weekend
If you are interested in a high resolution photo in order to print a picture, please contact Jake Hannon at with your request. He will then send you a high resolution image of your requested photo(s) which then you can print at your favorite photo store.
Alumni Staff
Jack Rossi
Communications and Alumni Relations Manager
The University of Iowa
310 Dental Science Building N.
Iowa City, IA 52242-1010

Barb Colbert
The University of Iowa
347 Dental Science Building N
Iowa City, IA 52242-1010