advance your story at Iowa

We offer as many advanced education training programs in recognized ADA dental specialties as any dental school in the country.

Post-Doc Specialty Program Information

We offer advanced education programs in ten of the twelve dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association and innovative advanced training programs in two other specialties.

All programs are fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Education of the American Dental Association.

In addition, we offer M.S. or Ph.D. degree programs and residency opportunities.

Two providers treating a patient at an extramural dental education location

Dental Public Health

Fellowship Participants and Faculty


Dentist and staff in the faculty dental clinic

General Practice

Orthodontic resident scanning teeth


A oral science graduate student with her mentor

Oral Science

Dental student and faculty member speaking about a young patient

Pediatric Dentistry

Two periodontists doing research


David Johnsen, Tarek El Kerdani, and prosthodontics residents with the governor's declaration of Prosthodontics Week
