Parking and Transporation

Information about accessible parking, public transportation, financial assistance for parking, and wheelchair assistance.

Wheelchair or Other Assistance

If you need wheelchair assistance getting from the patient parking lot or the circle driveway into the Dental Science Building or while in the Dental Science Building:

  • Inform the student greeter/staff at the welcome desk inside the west entrance or main entrance, or
  • Call 319-384-4353 after 8:00 a.m. to request assistance.

Barrier Free and Power-Operated Entrances

  • Main Entrance-entrance to 3rd floor via a ramp
  • West Entrance-entrance to landing
    • Must take elevator in landing to 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floor
    • May take steps in landing to 3rd floor

Interpretation and Translation Services

  • Language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. When scheduling your appointment, please let the scheduler know that you need foreign language translation services.
  • Call 711 to access relay telephone services711 is a free, nationwide program connecting deaf and hard of hearing teletypewriter (TTY) users with people who used telephones.  This service provides “voice to text” and “text to voice” communication.

Patient Representatives at the College

  • Patient representatives at the College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics advocate for patient-centered care, clear communication about treatment, and a welcoming environment at the college. They assist with patient concerns and questions about dental care and help resolve issues, acting as a liaison between patients and family members and the dental team.
  • To contact a patient representative, email or call 319-335-6579.  You may also ask a dental provider or staff member to contact the patient representative office for you.
  • All patient representative services are free and confidential.
  • Patients who express a concern or complaint will not have their future treatment compromised in any way.

Social Work Assistance

The College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics social worker helps patients and families overcome barriers to dental care. Common barriers addressed include:

  • Transportation to dental appointments.
  • Financial assistance for dental treatment.
  • Legal guardianship and informed consent.
  • Interpretation services.
  • Veteran resources for dental care.


If you have questions or would like assistance with resources, the social worker may be reached at 319-335-6579 (call and follow the prompts to reach the social worker) or via email.


Financial Assistance

  • Answers to common questions about insurance, bills, and payments can be found here.
  • Patient Account Representatives are available throughout the clinic areas to assist with your insurance questions as well as billing and payment questions. Payment is expected after each visit, however, installment arrangements can be made for larger dental bills.
  • A social worker is available to confidentially discuss other funding resources that you may be able to receive based on eligibility. Call 319-335-6579 (call and follow the prompts to reach the social worker) or email our social worker.

Service Animals

  • This information applies to patients, visitors, employees, residents, students, independent contractors, and volunteers. 
  • Every effort will be made to accommodate individuals with disabilities who require the use of a service animal in compliance with state and federal law.
  • The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as any dog individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, including physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals.  
  • Emotional support animals are not recognized as service animals and are not allowed on University property except as provided by University policy, Operations Manual V-35.5(d).
  • For more details, visit our Service Animals page.


  • Single user restrooms are located in three locations in the Dental Science Building:
    • W304: 3rd floor, near the West entrance, across from Endodontics
    • S474: 4th floor, in the back hallway near the Oral Surgery clinic
    • N303: 3rd floor, near the Dean's Conference Room
  • Anyone can use these restrooms.
  • These restrooms can also be used by individuals who need assistance.
  • A power-operated entrance single-user restroom can be found in W304, near the West entrance, across from Endodontics and the Geriatrics and Special Needs clinic

Diaper Changing Table Locations

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors SOUTH: In the men’s and women’s restrooms across from the main elevators.
  • 1st Floor NORTH:  women’s restroom only across from the elevators.
  • W304:  3rd floor, near the West entrance, across from the Endodontics and Geriatrics and Special Needs clinic; Single user restroom
  • 4th floor WEST WING: men’s and women’s restrooms outside Faculty General Practice Clinic
  • S474:  4th floor, in the back hallway near the Oral Surgery clinic

Lactation Room

  • A lactation room is available within the Dental Science Building and within many buildings across campus.
  • Click here for the location, contact information, and available supplies of all lactation rooms on campus.

ATM Location

3rd floor next to the welcome desk across from the Main (ramp) Entrance.


The Filling Station is located on the 1st floor near the South elevators.  It offers breakfast, lunch, and snack items, and is generally open Monday–Thursday 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. When school is not in session (June, July, and over the winter and spring breaks), hours are limited. Credit cards and debit cards are accepted, but not cash.

Guest WIFI

Visitors to the College of Dentistry and the University of Iowa (UI) campus can enjoy free guest wireless service without having to obtain a guest ID.  Select the UI-Guest network when connecting to a wireless network.

Patient Advocacy Programs in the Community