Course issued: 4/2018; Updated 8/2023; expires 8/2026
This course qualifies the enrollee for 1.0 CE credit hours and the cost is $25.
Register for the course on Jurisprudence for Dental Professionals here.
After attending the course, participants should be able to:
- Understand the purpose and organization of the Dental Board;
- Understand Iowa Laws relative to license, registration and renewal;
- Know the authorized practice of a dental hygienist;
- Understand continuing education requirements;
- Understand the laws of prescribing, administering and dispensing drugs;
- Know the scope of practice for dental assistants;
- Understand the standards of practice and principles of professional ethics;
- Know how to obtain a sedation permit;
- Understand the grounds of licensure discipline;
- Understand how complaints and investigations work relative to licensure; and
- Know the purpose of the Iowa Practitioner Review Committee.

John Syrbu, DDS, is an Assistant Professor, Department of Family Dentistry, University of Iowa, College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics. Dr. Syrbu completed his DDS at the University of Iowa in 2013 and joined the faculty in 2016. At the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, he completed a general practice residency and worked in private practice for several years in Minnesota before returning to academics. He currently treats patients, teaches in the Family Dentistry clinic and directs the Practice Management course at the College of Dentistry.
Reference: Iowa Dental Board