This course qualifies the enrollee for 3.5 CE credit hours and the cost is $79. Register for the course on Digital Smile Planning: Veneer preps, computer design, and material's indication here. (log-in with CE ID is required)
Course Description
The course intent is to give a general idea on how to initiate treatment planning with digital smile software (keynote or power point) and list several software programs that are available in the market. We will address the importance on esthetic cases on veneer preps and how they can be best performed for computer design. We will also explore several ceramic and polymer-based materials for esthetic cases.
At the completion of this presentation, the participants should be able to:
- Discuss important aspects of digital smile planning;
- Compare different options of veneer preps integrating with the type of material to be chosen; and
- Categorize ceramics and polymer-based materials to their indications and mechanical properties.
Course issued: 3/2023; expires 3/2025
Dr. Thiago Porto, DDS, MSc, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics in the Department of Operative Dentistry and Course Director of Intro to Clinical in Operative Dentistry. He had a short passage in the Ohio State University in the Department of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry serving as Course Director in the Operative IV with the main focus in esthetics and CAD/CAM procedures. He was Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve University in the Department of Comprehensive Care leading the courses on implant planning and procedures for pre-doc students. He has masters and PhD in Restorative Dentistry with an emphasis in Dental Materials and CAD/CAM. He possesses residency in Implant-Pros by Sao Paulo State University and is a graduate of University of Ribeirao Preto. His expertise led him to over 30 peer-reviewed publications and he has lectured in different countries speaking on esthetics and CAD/CAM.