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First Year

Fall Courses

BIOC:8101:0800 Biochemistry for Dental Students 3 Concepts of biochemistry and their application to understanding of clinical problems
MPB:8115:0800 Dental Physiology 4 Principles of human physiology, organ systems, cell function. Offered fall semesters.
OPER:8120:0800 Dental Anatomy 3 Basic dental terminology and nomenclature, human tooth morphology, creation of tooth crowns with wax.
OPER:8122:0800 Intro to Operative Dentistry 1 Introduction to basic didactic knowledge and psychomotor skills in the practice of operative dentistry in a preclinical setting with simulated scenarios; for first-year dental students.
PCD:8115:0800 Clinical Practice & Professionalism I 1 Preparation to deliver team-based interprofessional care through authentic lectures and group activities that reinforce interprofessional education (IPE) concepts by providing relevant and applicable health care experience; concepts and skills related to interprofessional education, team-based health care, interprofessional networking, ethics and professionalism, and person-centered care.Basic dental terminology and nomenclature, human tooth morphology, creation of tooth crowns with wax.
PCD:8116:0800 Fundamentals of Clinical Dentistry 1 Identification of health and disease in the mouth through self-assessment, nutritional self-assessment, practical methods of disease control, primary preventive dentistry methods and materials, and philosophy of preventive dentistry.
PCD:8117:0800 Cariology and Preventive Therapies 2 Principles of research design; introduction to microbiology and immunology; principles of oral microbiology with an emphasis on plaque development; microbiology of caries; coronal and root caries disease processes; dental caries epidemiology; roles of saliva and diet in dental health and disease; radiographic interpretation and clinical diagnosis; dental fluorosis; preventive dentistry treatment planning. Prerequisites: PCD:8116
PCD:8120:0800 Foundations of Critical Thinking I 1 Fundamental concepts needed to critique clinical research articles and health-related websites.
PERI:8120:0800 Fundamentals in Periodontology I 2 Normal periodontium, periodontal diseases, diagnosis etiology, epidemiology of periodontal diseases.
PROS:8120:0800 Treatment of Dentulous Patients: Occlusion - Lect. 1 Introduction to principles of occlusion and their clinical application
PROS:8121:0800 Treatment of Dentulous Patients: Occlusion - Pt Sim 1 Patient simulation exercises demonstrating principles of occlusion.


Spring Courses

ACB:8120:0800 Human Gross Anatomy 6 Exploration of gross anatomy of human body including thorax, abdomen, and upper limb; extensive focus on head, neck, and neuroanatomy; regional and systemic approaches; course sequence and assessment blended with general histology for dental students; cadaveric dissections closely follow lecture sequence; emphasis on correlations to dental practice. 
ACB:8121:0800 Histology for Dental Students 4 Microscopic study of cells, fundamental tissues, and organ systems; emphasis on tooth-related structures.
DENT:8110:0800 First Year UI Interprofessional Education 0 Application of previously learned concepts to relevant health care experiences using interprofessional skills and team-based health care concepts; development of skills related to leadership in health care teams, pain management from an interprofessional team, and application of ethics and professionalism concepts; online modules and group activities
OMFS:8115:0800 Anesthesia & Pain Control I 1

Principles, techniques of complete medical history, head and neck examination, cardiovascular and respiratory examination; neuroanatomical, psychophysiological aspects of pain; pharmacologic action and techniques for using local anesthetics.

OPER:8124:0800 Operative Dentistry I 5 Basic didactic knowledge and psychomotor skills of principles, terminology, instruments, materials, and techniques utilized in the practice of operative dentistry in a preclinical setting with simulated scenarios; for first-year dental students.
OPRM:8120:0800 Fundamentals of Oral Radiology 1 Methods of clinical, radiographic examination, record keeping; correlation of basic, clinical sciences.
PCD:8118:0800 Preventive Dentistry Assessment  & Patient Care 4 Patient oral assessment; charting sulcus depth, recession and hard tissues; progress notes, and entries in electronic patient record; preventive dentistry, caries, and periodontal risk assessment; oral hygiene instruction for collegiate recall patients; instrumentation for detection and removal of calculus deposits; practice with patient management skills and ergonomics.
PCD:8121:0800 Foundation of Evidence Based Dentistry II 1 Application of concepts needed to critique scientific literature.
PROS:8122:0800 Tx of Dentulous Patients: Anterior Fixed Pros - Lect. 1 Basic principles of fixed prosthodontics for single-unit anterior teeth; basic principles of tooth preparation, clinical steps, and digital procedures for fabrication of anterior single-tooth all-ceramic crowns and interim crowns.
PROS:8123:0800 Tx of Dentulous Patients: Anterior Fixed Pros - Patient Sim 1 Patient simulation exercises in single anterior tooth preparation, and fabrication of single-unit anterior all-ceramic and interim restorations.
PROS:8124:0800 Tx of Dentulous Patients: Posterior Fixed Pros - Lect. 1 Basic biomechanical principles of fixed posterior single tooth prosthodontics; diagnosis and treatment planning for dentate patients including occlusion.
PROS:8125:0800 Tx of Dentulous Patients: Posterior Fixed Pros - Patient Sim 1 Patient simulation exercises in single posterior tooth preparation and laboratory fabrication of single-unit posterior definitive and interim restorations.


Second Year

Fall Courses

course # course title s.h course description
MICR:8230:800 Dental Microbiology 3 Medical microbiology: bacteriology, immunology, pathogenic bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology.
PATH:8133:A800 Introduction to Human Pathology 4
Human disease; basic disease processes, organ-related and multisystem diseases; case analysis
DENT:8210:800 Dental Second Year Interprofessional Education 0 Application of previously learned concepts to relevant health care experiences using interprofessional skills and team-based health care concepts; development of skills related to leadership in health care teams, pain management from an interprofessional team, and application of ethics and professionalism concepts; online modules and group activities
OMFS:8230:800 Basic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2 In-depth review and instruction pertaining to systemic medical considerations which may affect oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS), wound repair, principles of asepsis, routine and complicated exodontia, surgical complications and informed consent, preprosthetic surgery, medical emergencies, management of patients undergoing radiation therapy and chemotherapy, infections, OMFS trauma, temporomandibular disorders, and maxillary sinus and salivary gland disorders.
OPER:8240:800 Operative Dentistry II 3 Principles of cavity preparation and digital workflow for designing and fabrication of restoration using CAD/CAM, dental material properties and applications, principles of caries management and restoration on simulated caries, peer exercises on basic clinical concepts. 
OPRM:8235:800 Oral Pathology I 2 Application of biomedical science knowledge to diagnosis and management of oral and maxillofacial diseases, primarily surface epithelial diseases; classification of lesions and diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region into clinical categories, formulation of a clinical differential diagnosis, and recommendation of initial management based on clinical differential diagnosis.
OPRM:8245:800 Intro. to Clinical Oral Radiology (all year)   1 Principles, techniques of diagnosis, radiology, clinical pathology in clinical practice
ORDN:8215:800 Growth and Development 1 Normal human growth and development; emphasis on craniofacial region.
PCD:8245:800 Clinical Preventive Dentistry (all year) 2 Experience providing complete prophylaxis and preventive services for college patients; application of nutrition principles and communication skills in a clinic setting. 
PCD:8218:800 Critical Thinking & EBD in Treatment Planning 1 Continuation of PCD:8120; evidence-based dentistry, critical thinking and treatment planning sessions; online and small group sessions.
PERI:8230:800 Periodontic Methods II 1 Periodontal treatment planning, prognosis, initial phase of periodontal therapy, treatment of acute periodontal problems, overview of surgical procedures
PROS:8240:800 Tx Partially Dentulous - Fxd Partial Pros - Lecture 1 Basic biomechanical principles of fixed prosthodontics for multiple-unit fixed prostheses; diagnosis and treatment planning for partially edentulous patient, including occlusion and esthetic concerns.
PROS:8241:800 Tx Partially Dentulous - Fxd Partial Pros -Patient Sim 1 Patient simulation exercises in preparation and fabrication of a three-unit fixed partial dental prosthesis and interim restoration.
PROS:8242:800 Tx Partially Dentulous - Implant Pros - Lecture 1 Principles, clinical steps, materials, and laboratory procedures necessary for single tooth fixed implant treatment. 
PROS:8243:800 Tx Partially Dentulous - Implant Pros -Patient Sim 1 Clinical steps in laboratory procedures for single tooth implant surgical guide fabrication and restoration


Spring Courses

couRse # course title s.h. course descirption
ENDO:8240:800 Endodontic Preclinical Didactic 1 Basic principles, concepts, technical procedures for treatment of pulpal problems.
ENDO:8241:800 Endodontic Preclinical Laboratory 1 Basic technical procedures for treatment of pulpal problems.
OMFS:8245:800 Anesthesia and Pain Control II 1 Theory, application, and instrumentation of nitrous oxide and IV sedation; emphasis on cardiovascular and respiratory physiology; pre-anesthetic evaluation of patients and practical techniques for nitrous oxide sedation.
OPER:8243:800 Intro to Clinical Operative Dentistry 3 Students provide clinical care from diagnosis and treatment planning to caries and non-carious lesion management in patients; clinical experience in restoring teeth with small to moderate lesions or defects; demonstration of effective patient management skills (including pain control), professionalism, and critical thinking; esthetic dentistry including tooth bleaching, tooth recontouring, and esthetic buildups with dental composite
OPRM:8236:800 Oral Pathology II 2 Application of biomedical science knowledge to diagnosis and management of oral and maxillofacial diseases, primarily hard and soft tissue diseases/neoplasms and syndromes; identification of cause, pathogenesis, historical features, signs, symptoms, laboratory abnormalities, radiographic findings (where applicable), and recommended initial management of the most common and/or serious diseases and lesions of the oral and maxillofacial region. 
OPRM:8240:800 Basic Pharmacology  3 Principles of pharmacology, pharmacologic actions of drugs, and correlation with therapeutic uses.
ORDN:8235:800 Orthodontic Laboratory 1 Limited care case diagnosis and treatment.
ORDN:8236:800 Orthodontic Treatment 1 From patient management to use of appliances for correcting some malocclusions in the general practitioner's office.
PCD:8219:800 Clinical Practice & Professionalism III 1 Continuation of PCD:8119; assessing patient understanding of practices for improving/maintaining oral health; overview of patient challenges to effective communication; application of behavioral science principles in dentistry and behavior theories
PEDO:8240:800 Pediatric Dentistry Diagnosis and Treatment 3 Basic biomechanical principles of fixed prosthodontics for multiple-unit fixed prostheses; diagnosis and treatment planning for partially edentulous patient, including occlusion and esthetic concerns.
PROS:8244:800 Tx Partially Dentulous - Removable Partial Pros - Lect. 1 Basic biomechanical principles of tooth replacement with removable partial prosthodontics; diagnosis and treatment planning for partially edentulous patients. 
PROS:8245:800 Tx Partially Dentulous - Removable Partial Pros -Patient Sim 1 Laboratory exercises in basic principles, clinical steps, and laboratory procedures necessary for fabrication of removable partial dentures
PROS:8246:800 Tx Edentulous Patient - Removable CD Lect. 1 Fundamental principles of diagnosis and treatment planning for edentulous patients, surgical and prosthodontic protocols for oral rehabilitation of edentulism.
PROS:8247:800 Tx Edentulous Patient - Removable CD Patient Sim 1 Laboratory exercises in basic principles, clinical steps, and laboratory procedures necessary for fabrication of complete dentures, including implant over-dentures.


Third Year

Fall Courses

course # course title s.h course description
PCD:8360 The Practice of Dentistry in the Community I


Issues related to role of dental professional at local and state levels; students build skills and knowledge in development of a community outreach dental program.
PCD:8319 Clinical Practice & Professionalism IV  1 Continuation of PCD:8219; standardized patient exercises with chairside feedback and evaluation of communication skills; reflection regarding application of communication skills and behavioral science principles in patient encounters.
DENT:8371 Quality Assurance I 1 Patient management, record writing skills, and quality assurance concepts; students coordinate treatment, patient relations, and issues of quality assurance for a group of patients; ethical and moral dilemmas in relation to dental practice.
ENDO:8370 Clinical Endodontics II 4 Tooth pain, anesthesia, diagnosis and treatment of pulpal and periradicular pathology, endodontic emergencies, endodontic radiologic interpretation, diagnosis and treatment of dental traumatic injuries, internal bleaching, retreatment, and apexification/apexogenesis.
OMFS:8360 Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 4 Clinical experience at the College of Dentistry and University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics.
OPER:8370 Introduction to Operative Dentistry III 4 Combination of didactic and clinical aspects of operative dentistry; medical and surgical management of dental disease; emphasis on minimally invasive dentistry with advanced aesthetic principles.
OPRM:8355 Systemic Disease Manifestations 1 Clinical medicine for dental students; basic information for patient evaluation.
OPRM:8360 Clinical Oral Diagnosis 1
Diagnosis of orofacial diseases by clinical, laboratory, radiographic and treatment planning methods; clinical case analysis.
OPRM:8361 Clinical Oral Radiology 1 Making and processing intraoral, extraoral radiographs; principles of radiographic interpretation.
OPRM:8362 Applied Oral Radiology 1 Builds on foundational knowledge learned in OPRM:8120 and OPRM:8245; emphasis on understanding disease process on radiographs and its interpretation.
OPRM:8365 Clinical Oral Pathology 1 Clinical medicine for dental students; basic information for patient evaluation.
OPRM:8368 Applied Dental Pharmacology 2 Patients' medications and their implications for dental treatment; clinical use of medications that dentists may prescribe; guidelines for dental prescribing.
PEDO:8370 Pediatric Dentistry: Clinic Applications 4 Combination of didactic and clinical aspects of pediatric dentistry; radiographic interpretations, treatment planning, preventative and restorative treatment supported by didactic seminars; clinical examinations and treatments provided to infants and children less than 16 years of age.
PERI:8370 Clinical Periodontology 4 Comprehensive concepts of periodontology and clinical management of patients.
PROS:8370 Introduction to Clinical Prosthodontic I 8 Application of knowledge in principal, biological, basic sciences, and techniques to clinical fixed, removable, and implant prosthodontics procedures; clinical prosthodontics experience supplemented by individual supervision, demonstration.

Spring Courses

course # course title s.h course description
PCD:8355 Introduction to Geriatric Dentistry


Biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging; normal aging and disease processes associated with aging; pathological changes that affect oral health treatment of dental diseases and patient management.
PCD:8361 The Practice of Dentistry in the Community II 2 Factors that affect the practice of dentistry and the dental profession including health care systems in the U.S. and abroad, Medicaid/Medicare, health/dental insurance, health care delivery systems, malpractice, role of the Iowa Dental Board, dental workforce, and quality of care.
DENT:8372 Quality Assurance II 1 Continuation of DENT:8371; patient management, record writing skills, and quality assurance concepts; students coordinate treatment, patient relations, and issues of quality assurance for a group of patients; ethical and moral dilemmas in relation to dental practice.
ENDO:8370 Clinical Endodontics II 4 Tooth pain, anesthesia, diagnosis and treatment of pulpal and periradicular pathology, endodontic emergencies, endodontic radiologic interpretation, diagnosis and treatment of dental traumatic injuries, internal bleaching, retreatment, and apexification/apexogenesis.
OMFS:8355 Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1 History, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and traumatic injuries of the oral and maxillofacial region.
OMFS:8360 Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 4 Clinical experience at the College of Dentistry and University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics.
OPER:8370 Introduction to Operative Dentistry III 4 Combination of didactic and clinical aspects of operative dentistry; medical and surgical management of dental disease; emphasis on minimally invasive dentistry with advanced aesthetic principles.
OPRM:8360 Clinical Oral Diagnosis 1 Diagnosis of orofacial diseases by clinical, laboratory, radiographic and treatment planning methods; clinical case analysis.
OPRM:8361 Clinical Oral Radiology 1 Making and processing intraoral, extraoral radiographs; principles of radiographic interpretation.
OPRM:8365 Clinical Oral Pathology 1 Clinical medicine for dental students; basic information for patient evaluation.
PEDO:8370 Pediatric Dentistry: Clinic Applications 4 Combination of didactic and clinical aspects of pediatric dentistry; radiographic interpretations, treatment planning, preventative and restorative treatment supported by didactic seminars; clinical examinations and treatments provided to infants and children less than 16 years of age.
PERI:8370 Clinical Periodontology 4

Comprehensive concepts of periodontology and clinical management of patients.

PROS:8370 Introduction to Clinical Prosthodontic I 8 Application of knowledge in principal, biological, basic sciences, and techniques to clinical fixed, removable, and implant prosthodontics procedures; clinical prosthodontics experience supplemented by individual supervision, demonstration.

Fourth Year

Fall Courses

COURSE # cOURSE tITLE S.H Course description
DENT:8485 Clinical Admission - Emergency 2 Clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with dental emergencies; patient assessment and referral to appropriate department for treatment.
FAMD:8484 Dental Practice Management I 1 Principles of dental practice management; delivery of comprehensive dental treatment in a simulated group-practice clinical setting with chairside dental assistants
FAMD:8495 Advanced Treatment Planning I 1 Development of knowledge to implement comprehensive treatment plans involving a multidisciplinary approach in management of patients through case-based learning
FAMD:8482 Dental Auxiliary Utilization  2 Delivery of comprehensive dental treatment in a simulated group practice clinical setting with chairside dental assistants.
FAMD:8488 Comprehensive Dental Patient Care (all year) 27 Refinement of clinical skills, judgment, and critical self-evaluation in the delivery of integrated, comprehensive dental care.
PCD:8489 Geriatrics & Special Needs Clinic 4 Experience in the Delta Dental of Iowa Geriatric and Special Needs Clinic and the Geriatric Mobile Dental Unit providing comprehensive care for medically, physically, intellectually, and/or cognitively compromised adults, functionally dependent elderly nursing home residents with portable dental equipment, and other underserved populations.
PCD:8494 Extramural Rotation in Oral Health 5 Experience in the Delta Dental of Iowa Geriatric and Special Needs Clinic and the Geriatric Mobile Dental Unit providing comprehensive care for medically, physically, intellectually, and/or cognitively compromised adults, functionally dependent elderly nursing home residents with portable dental equipment, and other underserved populations.


Spring Courses

COURSE # cOURSE tITLE S.H Course description
DENT:8485 Clinical Admission - Emergency 2 Clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with dental emergencies; patient assessment and referral to appropriate department for treatment.
DENT:8489 Clinical Practice & Professionalism V 1 Quality assurance from viewpoint of practicing dentist, dental educator, dental epidemiologist, court system; analysis of senior dental practice in relation to quality assurance criteria.
FAMD:8497 Advanced Treatment Planning I 1
Builds on FAMD:8495; development of advanced knowledge to implement complex comprehensive treatment plans involving a multidisciplinary approach in management of patients with complex medical and dental needs through case-based learning, lectures, and student case presentations.
FAMD:8482 Dental Auxiliary Utilization  2 Advanced knowledge, skills, and tools applied under supervision in a clinical setting.
FAMD:8485 Dental Practice Management II 1 Principles of dental practice management.
FAMD:8488 Comprehensive Dental Patient Care (all year) 27 Refinement of clinical skills, judgment, and critical self-evaluation in the delivery of integrated, comprehensive dental care.
PCD:8489 Geriatrics & Special Needs Clinic 4 Experience in the Delta Dental of Iowa Geriatric and Special Needs Clinic and the Geriatric Mobile Dental Unit providing comprehensive care for medically, physically, intellectually, and/or cognitively compromised adults, functionally dependent elderly nursing home residents with portable dental equipment, and other underserved populations.
PCD:8494 Extramural Rotation in Oral Health 5 Experience in the Delta Dental of Iowa Geriatric and Special Needs Clinic and the Geriatric Mobile Dental Unit providing comprehensive care for medically, physically, intellectually, and/or cognitively compromised adults, functionally dependent elderly nursing home residents with portable dental equipment, and other underserved populations.