Certificate Year 1
Summer Session
Summer Session
OTO:9199 | Advanced Anatomy Head and Neck Surgery - 1* |
ORSC:5210 | Dental Science Research Methodology - 2* |
ENDO:5201 | Update in Endodontics - 0 |
Fall Session
Fall Session
ENDO:5225 | Endodontic Literature Review I - 2* |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:5710 | Research in Endodontics - 1 |
ENDO:5720 | Seminar in Endodontics I - 2 |
OMFS:5208 | Pain & Anxiety Control - 1 |
ORSC:5212 | Statistical Methods for Dental Research - 3 |
ORSC:5260 |
Bone & Tooth Support Structure / Implant - 2
ORSC:5280 | Advanced Dental Therapeutics - 1 |
OPRM:5226 |
Oral Pathology for Graduate Students - 1
Spring Session
Spring Session
ENDO:5226 | Endodontic Literature Review II - 2* |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:5710 | Research in Endodontics - 1 |
ENDO:5721 | Seminar in Endodontics II - 2 |
ORSC:5240 |
Patho-Physio Pulp Dentin - 2
ORSC:5275 |
Oral Microbiology & Immunology - 2
Certificate Year 2
Summer Session
Summer Session
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3* (mid-May through mid-August) |
ENDO:5710 | Research in Endodontics - 1 |
Fall Session
Fall Session
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:5710 | Research in Endodontics - 1 |
ENDO:6227 | Endodontic Literature Review III - 2 |
ENDO:6701 | Seminar in Endodontics III - 2 |
ORSC:5300 | Dental Management for Patients with Complex Medical History - 2 |
ORSC:5260 |
Bone Tooth Support Structure/Implant - 2
OPRM:5226 |
Oral Pathology for Graduate Students - 1
Spring Session
Spring Session
ENDO:6228 | Endodontic Literature Review IV - 2 |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:5710 | Research in Endodontics - 1 |
ENDO:6702 | Seminar in Endodontics IV - 2 |
ORSC:5240 |
Patho-Physio Pulp Dentin - 2
ORSC:5275 |
Oral Microbiology & Immunology - 2
Certificate Final Session & Electives
Summer Session
Summer Session
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 (mid-May through June 30) |
ABC:6220 | Mechanisms of Cellular Organization - 3 |
MICR:3147 | Survey of Immunology - 4 |
MICR:5218 | Microscopy for Biomedical Research - 3 |
PERI:7700 | Practice Management I - 1 |
BIOC:3120 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology I - 4 |
ORSC:5215 | Research Design in Dentistry - 2 |
ORSC:5220 | Patho-Physiology of Skin and Oral Mucosa - 2 |
ORSC:5250 | Current Concepts of Cariology - 2 |
Masters Year 1
Summer Session
Summer Session
OTO:9199 | Advanced Anatomy Head and Neck Surgery - 1 |
ORSC:5210 | Dental Science Research Methodology - 2 |
ENDO:5201 | Update in Endodontics - 0 |
Fall Semester
Fall Semester
ENDO:5225 | Endodontic Literature Review I - 2 |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:5720 | Seminar in Endodontics I - 2 |
OMFS:5208 | Pain & Anxiety Control - 1 |
ORSC:5212 | Statistical Methods for Dental Research - 3 |
ORSC:5260 |
Bone & Tooth Support Structure & Implant - 2
ORSC:5280 | Advanced Dental Therapeutics - 1 |
OPRM:5226 |
Oral Pathology for Graduate Students - 1
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
Spring Semester
Spring Semester
ENDO:5226 | Endodontic Literature Review II - 2 |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:5721 | Seminar in Endodontics II - 2 |
ORSC:5215 | Research Design in Dentistry - 2 |
ORSC:5240 | Patho-Physio Pulp Dentin - 2 |
ORSC:5275 |
Oral Microbiology & Immunology - 2
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
ABC:6220 | Mechanisms of Cellular Organization - 3 |
MICR:3147 | Survey of Immunology - 4 |
MICR:5218 | Microscopy for Biomedical Research - 3 |
BIOC:3120 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology I - 4 |
ORSC:5250 | Current Concepts of Cariology - 2 |
Masters Year 2
Summer Session
Summer Session
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 (mid-May through mid-August) |
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
Fall Semester
Fall Semester
ENDO:6227 | Endodontic Literature Review III - 2 |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:6701 | Seminar in Endodontics III - 2 |
OPRM:5226 |
Oral Pathology for Graduate Students - 1
ORSC:5260 |
Bone Tooth Support Structure - 2
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
Spring Semester
Spring Semester
ENDO:6228 | Endodontic Literature Review IV - 2 |
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ENDO:6702 | Seminar in Endodontics IV - 2 |
ORSC:5275 |
Oral Microbiology & Immunology - 2
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
ABC:6220 | Mechanisms of Cellular Organization - 3 |
MICR:3147 | Survey of Immunology - 4 |
MICR:5218 | Microscopy for Biomedical Research - 3 |
BIOC:3120 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology I - 4 |
ORSC:5250 | Current Concepts of Cariology - 2 |
Masters Year 3
Summer Session
Summer Session
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
Fall Semester
Fall Semester
ENDO:5260 | Current Literature - 1 |
ENDO:5700 | Endodontic Surgery Conference - 2 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
Spring Semester
Spring Semester
GRAD:6001 | Thesis Preparation - 0 |
ENDO:5701 | Advanced Clinical Endodontics - 3 |
ORSC:5600 | Research in Oral Science - arr |
ABC:6220 | Mechanisms of Cellular Organization - 3 |
MICR:3147 | Survey of Immunology - 4 |
MICR:5218 | Microscopy for Biomedical Research - 3 |
BIOC:3120 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology I - 4 |
ORSC:5250 | Current Concepts of Cariology - 2 |