Why Iowa City?

Iowa City is a quintessential college town. Iowa City combines a world renowned educational institution with some of the nation’s best biomedical research programs with a welcoming and affordable community surrounded by the rolling hills, forests, and rivers of Eastern Iowa. It is easy to see why Iowa City was ranked in 2020 as the #20 city out of over 2100 midsize cities, according to liveability.com and in 2017 was ranked as the #1 best small metro area to live after college graduation by the America Institute for Economic Research.

University of Iowa and Living in Iowa City:


• Eastern Iowa Airport: http://flycid.com

• Quad Cities Airport: http://www.qcairport.com/


• University of Iowa Performing Arts: http://arts.uiowa.edu/

• Video about the Jazz Festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWfQ0Mmx1Es&list=PLEC9E8F2567DA4B25&index=46

• Stanley Museum of Art: https://stanleymuseum.uiowa.edu/

• Iowa City-UNESCO City of Literature: http://cityofliteratureusa.org/

• Iowa City Downtown events: http://downtowniowacity.com/


• Coralville Lake: http://www.recreation.gov/recAreaDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&recAreaId=158&agencyCode=130

Devonian Fossil Gorge: http://www.mvr.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/CoralvilleLake/Recreation/DevonianFossilGorge.aspx

Other Information:

• Welcome to the Iowa City Area: http://welcomeicarea.org/ 

Iowa City Travel Information: https://www.thinkiowacity.com

• Iowa City Community School District: https://www.iowacityschools.org