Each year, UIHC recognizes providers with Patient's Choices Awards for their excellence in patient experience. Doug Kendrick, clinical associate professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry Institute, was selected for a 2023 award. Based on patient responses, only UIHC providers with an aggregate score in the top 10% nationally were recognized for the honor of Patient's Choice.
All UIHC care providers receiving 30 or more completed medical practice surveys in FY22 were eligible. Recognition is based upon patient responses to five questions within the "Care Provider" section of these surveys:
1. Concern showed for your questions or worries
2. Explanations given to you about your problem or condition
3. Efforts to include you in decisions about your care
4. Discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)
5. Likelihood of your recommending care provider to others
Congratulations, Dr. Kendrick, on being selected as a Patient's Choice provider!