Clark Stanford, dean of the UI College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics, was elected Supreme Chapter President of Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU), National Honor Dental Society.
Stanford was recognized at the OKU's General Business Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, and will serve a one-year term as President before moving to Immediate-Past-President.
OKU is a prestigious honor dental society in which only the top 12% of the dental school graduating class is selected for membership. Achieving a national officer position in the organization requires service and dedication to the profession and society. OKU was founded in 1914 at Northwestern University, Chicago, by Professor G.V.Black and has maintained a leadership role in academics and the profession.
Stanford earned his BS, DDS, Prosthodontics certification, and PhD from the University of Iowa. He was the recipient of the college's first endowed faculty position, the Centennial Research Professor. He is a fellow of the International College of Dentists and American College of Dentists, member of the Illinois State Dental Society, American Dental Education Association, American College of Prosthodontics, International Association for Dental Research/American Association for Dental Research, and the American Dental Association.