1. Abstract Format:
- Title: 10 words or less
- Abstract Length: 300 words or less (combined total for background, methods, results, and conclusions)
- Scientific Nomenclature: Ensure compliance with the CDC’s guidelines for scientific nomenclature.
- Deadline: Friday, December 20th at 5 p.m. (CT).
2. Presentation Options:
- Choose either a poster or a 10-minute oral presentation with 2 minutes for questions within the abstract submission portal.
- Note: After December 18th at 5 p.m. (CT), you cannot change your presentation type.
3. Questions:
- Email all questions regarding this process to shaoping-zhang@uiowa.edu.
4. Request for Presenters Outside of COD:
- Faculty, staff, or students from colleges outside the College of Dentistry who wish to submit an abstract should:
- Send this page to interested parties.
- Contact us at shaoping-zhang@uiowa.edu for next steps.
- Provide full name, HawkID (if applicable), and college/institution information.