Bob Williams (’73 D.D.S.) and Jerilee Williams generously donated $150,000 to the Operative Dentistry Advanced Education Program to support, promote and achieve excellence in Operative Dentistry through enhanced training opportunities provided through the Advanced Education Program and its residents.

This advanced education program provides graduate students and residents with the information and skills necessary for their success in the academic world within a balanced educational experience and supportive environment. Its expert faculty, excellent laboratory research facilities, and access to its own patient care clinic provides a rewarding experience for these advanced students. The Williams' gift ensures the on-going success of the program.
Bob Williams is a graduate of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics, and he and Jerilee previously had provided funds for the Dr. Bob H. and Jerilee H. Williams Professorship in Restorative Dentistry, which was last held by professor emeritus Gerald Denehy.