Several fourth-year dental students received awards for their efforts as dental students. Dean Clark Stanford is shown with the award winners, and each of the three will have their awards noted in the commencement program on June 3, 2022.

Abigail Wieland won the Pierre Fauchard Academy Award. This certificate is given to an outstanding and deserving senior who has exhibited leadership and who through her accomplishments has demonstrated dedication to the advancement of the dental profession.

JoElla Guagliardo won the International College of Dentists Student Leadership Award. This plaque is awarded to a senior student who has shown the most professional growth and development during four years of dental study.

Emily Starman won the International College of Dentists Humanitarian Award. This plaque is given to a senior student who has demonstrated significant leadership and exemplary character traits when participating in humanitarian service or projects and shows potential to continue with humanitarian outreach programs after graduation.