Course issued: 10/2023; Expires 10/2026
This course qualifies the enrollee for 8.0 CE credit hours and will satisfy the new 8-hour training requirements on safe controlled substance prescribing as a condition of receiving or renewing a DEA registration.
Course cost: $245.
PROGRAM INFORMATION & OBJECTIVES: Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) are unfortunately both common and destructive in our society. We will discuss new developments in the neurophysiology and treatment of common SUDs. Recreational marijuana is currently legal in 21 states and initiatives are currently being promoted in many more states. We will review the pharmacology of cannabis products and discuss oral effects and dental
treatment ramifications for patients who frequently use cannabinoids with
special emphasis on risks of high potency THC among adolescents.
Both unethical promotion and rampant over prescribing of opioids have contributed to the current public health emergency we face in the United
States. We will discuss the unique risks associated with opioid use and outline
strategies for opioid-sparing analgesia in dental practice. We will identify effective pain relief alternatives based on individual patient characteristics.
Finally, we will discuss identification and management of addiction and
impairment in the dental professional. Extensive and very current handouts will maximize the chairside value of this timely and practical lecture.
After attending the course, participants should be able to:
Discuss the neurophysiology and neurotransmitter basis for SUDs,
Describe the mental health disorders that predispose to SUDs,
List the dental pain management and anesthesia implications of chronic cannabis use,
Identify the signs and symptoms & treatment alternatives for alcoholism and other SUDs,
Review the causes for and consequences of the current opioid epidemic in the U.S.,
Explain the relative pain relief effectiveness of non-opioid and opioid agents in acute pain, and
Discuss the benefits and risks of specific pain control regimens for effective dental analgesia.

Professor Karen Baker has been on the Dental College faculty at the University of Iowa for over 40 years and occupies a unique role in dental practice and education. She is a clinical pharmacist with a Master’s degree in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics and is focused on patient-specific dental drug therapy. She has given well over 1000 invited programs nationally and internationally and holds memberships in many dental and clinical pharmacology and therapeutics organizations. Her dental education-based pharmacy and drug therapy consultation center is the only one in the United States. She has authored many articles and abstracts and lectures extensively in pre-doctoral and graduate courses at the University of Iowa.
Reference: ADA