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- An Update on Posterior Restorations
An Update on Posterior Restorations
This course qualifies the enrollee for 3.5 CE credit hours and the cost is $75. Register for the course An Update on Posterior Restorations here. (log-in with CE ID is required)
Course Description
This course aims to boost your proficiency by helping you learn how to make posterior restorations with different materials for optimal function, aesthetics, and to achieve patient expectations. Every case involves careful planning, precise material manipulation, and proper clinical training to generate an effective posterior restoration. Conserving as much dental structure as possible while still accomplishing the intended result should always be our priority as restorative dentists.
At the completion of this presentation, the participants should be able to:
- Manage how to make a proper contour, proximal contact, and polish posterior composites;
- Recognize when to do a direct composite restoration, onlay or crown; and
- Plan and restore damaged teeth using CAD-CAM design workflow.
Course issued 4/2024; expires 4/2027

Dr. Hiromi Saisho, DDS, MS, is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in the Department of Family Dentistry with a background, expertise, and passion pertaining to the areas of prosthodontics, esthetics, and conservative dentistry, with a strong focus in Family Dentistry on direct patient-care, and didactic and clinical instruction of D4 predoctoral students. She began her dental journey by receiving her certification as a dental laboratory technician at Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru, in 2010. Subsequently, she received her certification as a master ceramist at Master Ceramist School in Tokyo, Japan, in 2011. She received her Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2017 from San Martin de Porres University in Lima. She then completed a two-year post-graduate master’s degree in Operative Dentistry form Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil. In 2021, she completed a certificate in Prosthodontics from Cayetano Heredia University in Lima.