Celebrating Sue Wollrab as she retires after serving as the Primary Administrator for the Orthodontics Department over the last 5 years
Thursday, August 1, 2024

The University of Iowa Orthodontics would like to officially congratulate Sue Wollrab on her retirement after 34 years at the University of Iowa and serving as the Primary Administrator for the department for the past five years. Sue’s dedication and work were vital to all department operations, and her presence will be greatly missed. 


When asked about her most memorable experiences, Sue recalls the compassion and genuine nature of the faculty, staff, and residents. "They truly make it great to be a part of this department," she says. One of Sue's most enjoyable tasks was the new applicant interview process every year. She looked forward to meeting the applicants she communicated with, and seeing their excitement throughout the process. Throughout her time working in the department, she saw the department grow and change in many great ways. Sue believes that success in her role requires the ability to multitask, enjoy working with colleagues, and stay focused on tasks at hand. Her dedication has greatly contributed to the department's success, especially to what she believes is the number one Orthodontic Residency Program. 


As Sue transitions to retirement, she looks forward to becoming a full-time farm wife, assisting with harvest and planting seasons, and traveling. For the past couple of decades, Sue has been involved in craft shows and looks forward to continuing to attend these in the future. Other hobbies she looks forward to pursuing include repurposing furniture, sewing, and exploring new projects inspired by Pinterest. 


When asked what she will miss most about the department, Sue simply responded with, "The faculty, staff, and residents!" This quote shows her care for the whole team, highlighting what made her such a great primary administrator, colleague, and friend. Sue's dedication to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment has left a lasting impact on everyone in the Orthodontics Department. 


Thank you, Sue, for your years of service in helping the Orthodontics Department. We wish you all the best in your retirement! 

Sue Wollrab Headshot