Continue the Legacy

Become a legacy contributor today by making a minimum donation of $2,500 to the Donald B. Osbon endowment fund at The University of Iowa Center for Advancement. This endowment is made possible by contributions from his former residents, professional colleagues, friends and family. Proceeds from the endowment are used to support a premiere lecture program in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery or allied dental-medical fields. The program features a guest speaker of the highest national and international status. The memorial lectures are held every other year at The University of Iowa.

Legacy Contributors

Dr. Charles C. Alling III
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Dr. Daryl E. Bee
Dr. W. Bernard Bell
Dr. Samir E. Bishara
Dr. William R. and Mrs. Jane Bond
Dr. John S. Brown
Dr. Jack A. Buhrow
Dr. Richard G. Burton
Dr. John S. Casko
Dr. Jerry E. Cohron
Dr. Leon F. and Mrs. Janelle R. Davis
Dr. Richard W. DeChamplain
Dr. Paul E. DeLong
Dr. Jeffrey B. Dembo
Dr. C. Fred and Mrs. Rita M. Erbe
Dr. Kirk L. Fridrich
Dr. James L. and Mrs. Karole L. Fuller
Dr. Thomas V., Jr. and Mrs. Constance C. Gardner
Dr. John A. and Dr. Rita D. Gasser
Dr. Michael S. Goldwasser
Dr. William R. and Mrs. Barbara A. Grigsby
Dr. Louis H. and Mrs. Isabelle H. Guernsey
Dr. Merle L. and Mrs. Mary L. Hale
Dr. Frank Harreman
Dr. Brien V. Harvey
Dr. Jan C. and Mrs. Sharon K. Haugen
Dr. B.F. and Mrs. E. Marie Hawkins
Dr. Leslie H. and Mrs. Lila Higa
Ms. Aya Higuchi
Dr. Kenji W. Higuchi
Dr. Robert D. Hille
Dr. James E. Houston
Dr. Rowland A. and Mrs. Kathleen F. Hutchison
Iowa State Bank and Trust Company
Dr. Robert J. Keck
Dr. Kenneth K. Kempf
Dr. John N. Kent
Dr. Satish C. Khera
Dr. Daniel S. Kleehammer
Dr. Larry K. Korn
Dr. Charles R. and Mrs. Nell W. Kremenak
Dr. Phillip A. and Mrs. Mary Margaret Lainson
Dr. Larry D. Lander
Lea & Febiger
Dr. Brent D. Lee
Dr. David L. LeMoine
Dr. Daniel H. and Dr. Patricia H. Lew
Dr. Gilbert E. and Mrs. LaVonne R. Lilly
Dr. Scott G. Lilly and Mrs. Lisa Lilly
Dr. Edward L. and Mrs. Ann W. Lorson
Dr. Dennis J. and Mrs. Nancy A. Lowman
Dr. Robert D. and Mrs. Ruth K. Lundquist
Dr. Mark A. Macke
Dr. John A. Maletta
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Janet Osbon McLaughlin
Dr. James H. McLeran
Dr. Richard H. McNerny
Dr. John C. and Mrs. Shirley Montgomery
Dr. George J. Muller II
Nobel Biocare USA, Inc.
Dr. Terry D. Olejko
Dr. Michael Olivotto
Dr. Robert A.J. and Mrs. Dolores A. Olson
Ms. Alice E. Osbon
*Dr. Donald B. Osbon
Mr. James and Mrs. Brenda Osbon
Mrs. Joan H. Osbon
Dr. John W. and Mrs. Claudia W. Reinhardt
Dr. Mont M. Ringer
Dr. R.F. Roewe
Dr. Steven B. Roholt
Dr. Vernon W. Saunders, Jr.
Dr. Christopher A. and Dr. Susan U. Squier
Dr. James J. Stickley
Dr. Gregory G. Stroncek
Dr. Ronald W. Taylor
Dr. James W. and Mrs. Marilyn S. Thatcher
Dr. Alfred F. and Mrs. Noel Tortorelli
Dr. James B. Troxell
Dr. Kenneth A. and Mrs. L. Sue Turner
Dr. Edward J. Urig, Jr.
Dr. John R. Van Heukelom
Dr. Steven D. and Dr. Paula J. Vincent
Dr. Thomas P. and Mrs. Susan L. Williams
Dr. Lewis W. Williamson
Dr. Roger C. Wilson
Dr. Deborah L. Zeitler


2025 Osbon Memorial Lecture