Program Deadline: July 1
Director: Dr. Fabricio Teixeira, D.D.S., PhD
Required Number of Evaluations: 3
Sources: Candidate's choice
Attributes: Evaluator's choice
Applications to the University of Iowa Department of Endodontics Graduate Programs should be completed and sent to the PASS program. If there is extra material or items that they do not accept, please mail them directly to the Department of Endodontics, 343 Dental Science Building West, 801 Newton Road, Iowa City, IA 52242. Do not send any material or money to the University of Iowa Graduate College as PASS will handle the applications.
Advanced Training Program
The advanced training program in endodontics balances clinical experience with didactic instruction in the relevant clinical and basic sciences. Students can expect to spend about half their time in direct patient contact with the remainder divided between formal course, teaching, and research. Protocol driven research is an integral component of the program and all advanced students are required to design and conduct an original research project. Preparation of a manuscript suitable for publication is also a requirement.
The advanced education programs offered by the Department of Endodontics are designed to provide qualified dentists with the scientific knowledge and clinical skills needed to competently practice endodontics and/or pursue a career in dental education and research. The Department of Endodontics in conjunction with the College of Dentistry and Graduate College offers different types of post-doctoral programs. Each will have similar clinical but different didactic experiences.
The Certificate Program requires a minimum of two calendar years (24 months) of full-time formal training. This program is designed to produce a practicing endodontist. No formal thesis is required; however, the student is required to design a research protocol, complete the research project, and prepare a scientific paper suitable for publication in a refereed journal. The Certificate Program is recommended for individuals wishing to pursue careers in private practice. Below please find a sample curriculum for the certificate program.
The Master of Science Degree Program combined with the Certificate in Endodontics is a three-year program (36 months) requiring a minimum of 30 graduate level semester credit hours. In addition, students must conduct an original research project resulting in a formal thesis. The student will follow a plan of study outlined by the Department of Endodontics and comply with Graduate College regulations. Under most circumstances, the degree granted will be a master of science in oral sciences, although there are alternative M.S. degrees in other disciplines. Following successful completion of requirements, both an M.S. degree and a certificate in endodontics will be granted. The M.S. degree is recommended for individuals wishing to pursue academic careers. Below please find a sample curriculum for the master of science degree program.
Alternative programs are available, such as a certificate in combination with a Ph.D. The Ph.D. program requires a minimum of five years (60 months). Upon completing original research and successfully defending a dissertation, students are granted a Ph.D. in a basic science area. Such programs are available by special arrangement and depend upon the experience and goals of the candidate. The Ph.D. degree is recommended for individuals seeking an academic career involving primarily research and clinical teaching.
Each advanced program satisfies training requirements outlined by the American Dental Association's Commission on Dental Accreditation. Graduates are eligible for certification by the American Board of Endodontics. Individuals completing the program are encouraged to see board certification. Various activities throughout the course of study will prepare the students for the Board examination process.
The goal of these programs is to develop competent diagnosticians and clinicians. Specifically, advanced education students will:
- Learn the scientific and clinical basis of endodontics
- Develop clinical skills
- Gain knowledge and experience of the educational process in order to function confidently as dental educators
- Recognize the value of academic research by developing skills in designing, conducting, reporting, and publishing the results of original research
- Establish a foundation of life-long learning
Endodontics Certificate Program
- Each student follows a specific course of study and clinical practice for 24 months. Approximately half the program hours are spend in direct patient care.
- At least one original research project will be completed, presented and prepared for publication. The certificate will not be granted until a manuscript has been completed and submitted for publication. A library research project does not fulfill the research requirement.
- The mentor for the research may be from within or outside the Department of Endodontics.
- Presentation of the research material is to be made at the local IADR meeting and possibly at one or more national meetings.
- A table clinic is to be prepared and presented at a local, state or national meeting.
- Clinical and didactic requirements are specific upon entrance to the program.
- Transcripts will be generated and maintained, with grades given in all courses.
- All completed cases will be reviewed and evaluated by a member of the Department of Endodontics faculty. Students will minimally complete 250 nonsurgical cases in the 2 years.
- Students will rotate through the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as well as the Veterans Administration Medical Center clinic. The nature and number of cases completed in the hospital setting are credited toward the total required cases and are reviewed.
- The student will prepare 15 cases in the format consistent with the criteria established by the American Board of Endodontics. These cases will be reviewed by external examiners.
The student is required to take an oral exit examination during the second semester of the final year. This examination will follow the format of the oral examination given by the American Board of Endodontics and in most circumstances, will be administered by individuals from outside the college.
Endodontics: Master of Science/Certificate Degree Program
Information stated under the description of the Certificate program also applies to the MS/Certificate program, with the exception of research.
A thesis, based upon scholarly research, will constitute a partial requirement for a Master of Science degree in Oral Sciences. The graduate student, in consultation with the Graduate Program Director in Endodontics, will be primarily responsible for selecting a thesis advisor and thesis committee.
The MS thesis advisor may be a member of the Department of Endodontics or of another department of the College of Dentistry or the University. At least one member of the thesis committee must be a faculty member from the Department of Endodontics.
All graduate students will write a research planning document or a protocol. The protocol will be presented before the thesis committee and invited faculty.
Other faculty and graduate students may attend the final thesis examination.
Minimum number of graduate credit semester hours required for the Master of Science degree with a major in Endodontics will normally be thirty (30) semester hours.
The program will have a "vertical" curriculum. That, early in the program the majority of time is devoted to clinical courses and patient care, with more time for research toward the conclusion.
Stipends will be allocated to graduate students according to funding availability. This will be determined on a yearly basis.
All graduate students are subject to the rules of the Graduate College as set forth in the Manual of Rules and Regulations of the Graduate College. Failure to fulfill or comply with requirements and guidelines as stated in the Graduate Program Information documents of the department shall constitute grounds for altering or extending the student's program, including probation or dismissal.
Endodontics: Ph.D. Program
- The research faculty of the College of Dentistry and the Department of Endodontics work closely with the Ph.D. Program Director to coordinate and manage each individual student's course of study and research.
- Each student's program, as well as the nature and progress of research, has considerable flexibility and reflects individual interests and background.
Specific information on this program is available from the Office of the Associate Dean for Research, College of Dentistry.
- The Manual of Rules and Regulations of the Graduate College apply to the conduct of those students enrolled in the Ph.D. program.
Program Requirements
Maintenance of Academic Status
Students in all programs must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 to receive the certificate and/or degree. If a student falls below this average, he/she will be allowed one semester to raise the average to the minimum level. The circumstances creating the deficiency will receive careful consideration.
Dental Practice Privileges
Students in all programs maintain a license and practice privileges in the College of Dentistry, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, and the Veteran's Administration Hospital. Students accepted and enrolled in any of the programs WILL NOT involve themselves in private dental practice enterprises outside these areas. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in dismissal from the program.
Program Contacts
Fabricio Teixeira, D.D.S., PhD
Graduate Program Director
Department of Endodontics
DSB W343
The University of Iowa College of Dentistry
801 Newton Road
Iowa City, IA 52242-1001
(319) 335-7471 Work
(319) 335-9663 Fax
Maria Beelman
Administrative Services Coordinator
Department of Endodontics
DSB W343
The University of Iowa College of Dentistry
801 Newton Road
Iowa City, IA 52242-1001
(319) 335-7471 Work
(319) 335-9663 Fax