Core Research Area
The University of Iowa College of Dentistry is a worldwide and national leader in dental public health. Within this broader field, research focuses on barriers preventing (and related supports for) underserved populations including low-income children, older adults, and persons with special needs due to developmental disabilities or medical illnesses. Researchers also study environmental and dietary effects on oral health through longitudinal studies.
Robert Bowers
Assistant Professor
Dan Caplan
PhD, Professor
Peter Damiano
MPH, Bernstein Endowed Professor
Dharini van der Hoeven
PhD, Associate Professor, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
David Johnsen
MS, Professor, Dean Emeritus
Jennifer Sukalski
PhD, Assistant Professor
Brendan Young
PhD, Associate Professor
John Warren
MS, Professor
Steve Levy
MPH, Wright-Bush-Shreves Endowed Professor
Mike Kanellis
MS, Professor
Teresa Marshall
PhD, Professor
Michelle McQuistan
MS, Associate Professor
Karin Weber-Gasparoni
PhD, DEO, Pediatric Dentistry