Articles from April 2021

The State of Iowa and the College of Dentistry Celebrate Prosthodontics Week
Friday, April 16, 2021
For the past six years, the Department of Prosthodontics has celebrated National Prosthodontics Awareness week by recruiting six low-income veterans to receive a free, complete set of dentures. To commemorate this annual event and in recognition of National Prosthodontics Awareness Week, Governor Kim Reynolds declared April 5-9 Iowa Prosthodontics Awareness Week.

Personalizing Implant Therapy to Improve Outcomes
Friday, April 9, 2021
Personalized medicine meets the unique needs of each patient, and Christopher Barwacz’s research is focused on improving and optimizing implant therapy to meet the specific needs of each individual patient.
PCDH Project, Phase 3: Practice- and System-Level Measure Concepts Survey, Results, and Modifications
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Julie C Reynolds, Jill Boylston Herndon and Peter C Damiano, 2021