Articles from March 2024

Mike Kanellis on KCRG

Kanellis’ cookbook raises over $8,500 for children’s dental care

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Professor of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Michael Kanellis' cookbook 'Iowa Mike's Family Recipes' has provided more than $8,500 toward a fund supporting children's dental care.
An Yi Ma

Dentistry professor explores post removal strategies for generalists

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
An Yi Ma's research investigating various types of fiber post removal strategies lays the foundation for an evidence-based set of practices for fiber post removal in a general dentist's office.
Clark Stanford and OKU President Peter Loomer

Stanford elected Supreme Chapter President of Omicron Kappa Upsilon

Monday, March 18, 2024
At the OKU's General Business Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, Stanford was named President of this prestigious organization.

PCDH Core Set: Claims and Electronic Dental Record Based Measures for Pilot Implementation

Jill Boylston Herndon, Julie C Reynolds, Peter C Damiano and Jesley C. Ruff, 2024
Mallory Obenauf headshot

Obenauf receives national ASDA Legislative Liaison of the Year Award

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Obenauf was recognized for effectively promoting engagement in advocacy initiatives within her chapter. In her role as ASDA’s legislative liaison, she traveled to Washington D.C. last year to advocate for a bill that would allow dental residents to defer their student loans while in residency.
Thaigo Porto

Operative dentistry professor explores how bioactive materials can prevent degradation of bonding interface on adhesive restorations

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Thiago Soares Porto's research on bioactive glasses with niobum nanoparticles is intended to develop a novel adhesive system capable of enhancing the quality and longevity of dental restorations