Articles from November 2021

Dr. Fabricio Teixeira Receives Prominent Grant
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The medical equipment manufacturer SONENDO of California awarded Dr. Fabricio Teixeira, professor and head of the Department of Endodontics, and his team a $189K grant and specialized equipment and training worth almost $350K, bringing the total value of the award to $539K for their 1-year clinical project, “Effectiveness of GentleWave on the Healing of Apical Periodontitis: a prospective cohort study.”

The College of Dentistry Announces 2021 Seed Grant Awards
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The University of Iowa College of Dentistry is pleased to announce the 2021 Seed Grant Awards. This is the second year of the seed grant program, and these grants fund innovative projects from early-career investigators or established investigators who are developing a new line of research.

Twenty-Six Years of Our Together Accomplishments
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The past twenty-six years have been a testament to the lasting influence of the College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics' “together accomplishments” during David Johnsen’s tenure as dean. As Johnsen steps down from his role as dean, he leaves Iowa’s only dental college and thus the profession of dentistry in Iowa in capable hands with a proud legacy and bright future.

Gasparoni Receives Faculty Award
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
As the course director for the fourth-year Dental Emergency Course, Alberto Gasparoni exemplifies the characteristic features embodied in the James H. and Hermine E. McLeran Faculty Award and the namesakes for the award—a passionate commitment to dental education focused on excellence in teaching and patient-centered care.