
The College of Dentistry Announces 2021 Seed Grant Awards
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The University of Iowa College of Dentistry is pleased to announce the 2021 Seed Grant Awards. This is the second year of the seed grant program, and these grants fund innovative projects from early-career investigators or established investigators who are developing a new line of research.

Twenty-Six Years of Our Together Accomplishments
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The past twenty-six years have been a testament to the lasting influence of the College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics' “together accomplishments” during David Johnsen’s tenure as dean. As Johnsen steps down from his role as dean, he leaves Iowa’s only dental college and thus the profession of dentistry in Iowa in capable hands with a proud legacy and bright future.

Gasparoni Receives Faculty Award
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
As the course director for the fourth-year Dental Emergency Course, Alberto Gasparoni exemplifies the characteristic features embodied in the James H. and Hermine E. McLeran Faculty Award and the namesakes for the award—a passionate commitment to dental education focused on excellence in teaching and patient-centered care.
Patient centered dental home: Building a framework for dental quality measurement and improvement
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Julie C. Reynolds, Peter C. Damiano and Jill Boylston Herndon, Journal Public Health Dentistry, 2022

Leary Receives 2022 Collegiate Teaching Award
Friday, October 22, 2021
On October 7, Interim Dean Galen Schneider presented Kecia Leary, clinical associate professor and graduate program director for the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, with the 2021 Collegiate Teaching Award. This award recognizes a faculty member who exhibits an “outstanding contribution to dental students’, graduate students’ or residents’ intellectual and professional development.”

2021 Leadership of the Year: Dr. Roy L. Irons
Friday, October 8, 2021
Mississippi native Roy L. Irons (’76 D.D.S.) came to Iowa in 1972. Coming from humble beginnings, Irons made the most of the opportunities presented to him, and he has become a leader in the dental profession in Mississippi and the nation while dedicating himself to being a resource and example for the community, particularly those who lack support and opportunities.

2021 Leadership of the Year: Dr. Judy Greenlea Taylor
Friday, October 8, 2021
Throughout her dental education and career, Judy Greenlea Taylor (’91 D.D.S.) has made it her mission to improve public and oral health for underserved populations—whether through leadership roles in organizations dedicated to that cause, in providing excellent care to her patients, mission trips, or in service to her state and local community.

2021 Dental Educator of the Year: Ana Diaz-Arnold
Thursday, September 30, 2021
For 34 years, Dr. Ana Diaz-Arnold (’84 G.P.R., ’87 M.S.) has been a fixture in the Department of Family Dentistry, teaching countless fourth-year dental students, mentoring and working alongside adjunct faculty, and treating her own patients, and as she retires in June 2022, her impact on the college and the dental profession in Iowa will remain long afterward.

2021 Alumnus of the Year: Dr. Kim Swanson
Thursday, September 23, 2021
An accomplished oral surgeon, Kim Swanson (’81 BA, ’86 DDS) is a dedicated alumna who has left a mark in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and in the dental profession more widely.

Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Awarded NIH Grant for Dissertation Project
Thursday, September 23, 2021
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded Matthew Remy, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, a F31 grant to support his dissertation project, “Bone Regeneration Induced by the Sustained Release of Osteoinductive microRNAs from 3D-printed Constructs.”